Igor Kulman

Generating all permutations of a list … how hard can that be?

Generating all permutations of a list … how hard can that be?

Using custom fonts in Windows Phone apps

Using custom fonts in Windows Phone apps

Using Sublime Text 2 as F# REPL

Using Sublime Text 2 as F# REPL

AppHarbor: great place to start your .NET project

AppHarbor: great place to start your .NET project

Visual Studio Achievements: a bit of gamification to your programming

Visual Studio Achievements: a bit of gamification to your programming

Using .NET libraries with MonoTouch

Using .NET libraries with MonoTouch

MonoTouch: iOS development for .NET programmers

MonoTouch: iOS development for .NET programmers

Why I do not like Windows Phone programming anymore

Why I do not like Windows Phone programming anymore

Encoding two ints into a long to be used as navigation parameter

Encoding two ints into a long to be used as navigation parameter

AutoCompleteBox for Windows Store apps

AutoCompleteBox for Windows Store apps