Igor Kulman

Highlighting letters in TextBlock in Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1

· Igor Kulman

In my current project I had to implement an interesting feature for both Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1 project of the Universal app. The idea is simply. The users want to search for a movie. They enter a search term into a TextBox and a list of results is shown. The results should have the search term highlighted in them.

Searcg term highlight

The standard TextBlock used to display the movie titles does not support any kind of letter highlighting, so I had to write a custom one. I created a custom UserControl. The UserControl contains a few dependency properties Text, HighlightedText, HighlightBrush and a TextBlock. When Text or HighlightedText change, the Text is then split into multiple Runs that are added to the TextBlock.

private void Update()
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(HighlightedText))

    var parts = Regex.Split(Text, HighlightedText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    var len = 0;
    foreach (var part in parts)
        len = len + part.Length + 1;

        TB.Inlines.Add(new Run
            Text = part

        if (Text.Length >= len)
            var highlight = Text.Substring(len - 1, HighlightedText.Length); //to match the case

            TB.Inlines.Add(new Run
                Text = highlight,
                Foreground = HighlightBrush

The whole working custom control is available at Github: https://github.com/igorkulman/Kulman.WPA81.HighlightTextBox.

See also