Igor Kulman

Adding MobileIron AppConnect to a Swift application

Adding MobileIron AppConnect to a Swift application

Writing a simple Pascal interpreter in Swift

Writing a simple Pascal interpreter in Swift

Workaround for receive remote notification callback not getting called in foreground on iOS 11

Workaround for receive remote notification callback not getting called in foreground on iOS 11

Preventing Windows drives from getting automatically mounted on macOS

Preventing Windows drives from getting automatically mounted on macOS

My experience with Swift after 9 months

My experience with Swift after 9 months

Using Visual Studio Code as Git merge tool

Using Visual Studio Code as Git merge tool

Filling UITableView with data from bottom to top

Filling UITableView with data from bottom to top

More readable XCode build output for CI

More readable XCode build output for CI

iOS tip: Wireless debugging from XCode

iOS tip: Wireless debugging from XCode

Fixing black artifact when changing large titles mode in iOS11

Fixing black artifact when changing large titles mode in iOS11