Igor Kulman

Mobilize.net: Converting Windows Phone 8 apps to UWP? Not really

Mobilize.net: Converting Windows Phone 8 apps to UWP? Not really

Detecting gestures over WebView on Windows Phone

Detecting gestures over WebView on Windows Phone

The sad state of DVLUP (MS Tech Rewards)

The sad state of DVLUP (MS Tech Rewards)

Going static: From Wordpress to Hugo

Going static: From Wordpress to Hugo

Enabling and disabling hardware devices with PowerShell

Enabling and disabling hardware devices with PowerShell

Visual Studio extensions to make your life easier

Visual Studio extensions to make your life easier

Lenovo, why do you screw Thinkpads with every update?

Lenovo, why do you screw Thinkpads with every update?

Highlighting letters in TextBlock in Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1

Highlighting letters in TextBlock in Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1

Strange combination of HTTPS and Windows Phone 8.1 that can make your app and phone freeze

Strange combination of HTTPS and Windows Phone 8.1 that can make your app and phone freeze

Problems getting paid from the Windows Store, again

Problems getting paid from the Windows Store, again