Igor Kulman

Fixing first annoyances with Bash on Windows

Fixing first annoyances with Bash on Windows

Application deployment with NSIS and Squirrel

Application deployment with NSIS and Squirrel

Creating a simple Windows 10 game with Win2D

Creating a simple Windows 10 game with Win2D

Creating better forms in Windows Phone apps

Creating better forms in Windows Phone apps

Using Tooltips to make better menus in Windows apps

Using Tooltips to make better menus in Windows apps

Choosing an image from gallery or camera a bit better in Universal Windows apps

Choosing an image from gallery or camera a bit better in Universal Windows apps

Using Hockey App to distribute Windows Phone apps

Using Hockey App to distribute Windows Phone apps

How to handle localization strings provided by the client in a Windows Phone app

How to handle localization strings provided by the client in a Windows Phone app

A week with Microsoft Band 2

A week with Microsoft Band 2

Mobilize.net: Converting Windows Phone 8 apps to UWP? Not really

Mobilize.net: Converting Windows Phone 8 apps to UWP? Not really