Igor Kulman

Quick Tip: Showing solution branch name in Visual Studio title

Quick Tip: Showing solution branch name in Visual Studio title

Implementing Google login in Universal Apps

Implementing Google login in Universal Apps

Removing unused strings from Windows Phone 8 RESX files

Removing unused strings from Windows Phone 8 RESX files

Custom DateTime deserialization with JSON.NET

Custom DateTime deserialization with JSON.NET

Customizing the Player Framework UI

Customizing the Player Framework UI

The death of the WinRT developer?

The death of the WinRT developer?

Player Framework localization

Player Framework localization

Leveraging ETag caching in Windows Phone and Windows apps

Leveraging ETag caching in Windows Phone and Windows apps

Using ETag to cache responses in NancyFX

Using ETag to cache responses in NancyFX

Measuring and recording the room temperature with a Raspberry Pi

Measuring and recording the room temperature with a Raspberry Pi