Igor Kulman


Using reordering and selection at the same time in UITableView

Using reordering and selection at the same time in UITableView

A few Xcode debugging tips

A few Xcode debugging tips

Automatically merging conflicts in Xcode project files

Automatically merging conflicts in Xcode project files

Allowing parallel iOS UI tests runs in CI

Allowing parallel iOS UI tests runs in CI

Reading environment variables from iOS and macOS unit tests

Reading environment variables from iOS and macOS unit tests

Graying out images in Cocoa

Graying out images in Cocoa

Using different Git config for personal and work projects

Using different Git config for personal and work projects

Web scraping with Swift

Web scraping with Swift

Generating boilerplate Swift code with GYB

Generating boilerplate Swift code with GYB

How much time a day do you waste waiting for Xcode builds?

How much time a day do you waste waiting for Xcode builds?